🎥Animation Generation

Bring your images to life by animating them

Bring your images to life with a touch of magic! Every image generated by Kyx Ai isn't just a static picture; it harbors the potential for movement. With a simple click on the animate button accompanying your generated image, watch as static scenes gain motion, offering a glimpse into a living moment. From the subtle sway of trees to the flicker of city lights, the animations add a captivating depth to your creations.

Want to animate your own images? The /animate_image command is your key to unlocking motion in any picture you choose. Imagine turning a peaceful snowscape into a scene with falling snowflakes or bringing a portrait to life with a soft smile.


This command will animate an image.

Available Arguments

uploaded_image_name: The name of an previously uploaded image to animate

input_image: Upload a new image to animate

strength: The strength of the animation. A value between 0 and 1 (default 0.5)

Last updated