🎨Image Generation

One of Kyx Ai's key features is image generation

Kyx Ai allows you to generate images. You can either ask Kyx Ai to draw an image for you through chat by mentioning it "@Kyx Ai hey, please draw an image of ... for me" or by using one of the image_generation commands.

Kyx Ai also offers you the possibility to upload your images and remix them.

Dive into the art of digital creation with Kyx Ai and discover the endless possibilities at your fingertips. Remember, the only limit is your imagination!


Tells Kyx Ai to generate an image.

/generate_image prompt style photo_real number_of_images

Available Arguments

prompt (required): The prompt to generate an image from.

Example: Tokyo at night, sport cars driving around, full moon reflecting on the streets, neon lights

style: Choose from a list of styles to generate the image in

number_of_images: The amount of images that should be generated



Works similar to the /generate_image command but offers more settings. Try around with them to find the perfect settings for your requirments.

Available Arguments

prompt (required): The prompt to generate an image from.

negative_prompt: In the negative prompt you can specify what should not be in the image

number_of_images: The amount of images that should be generated

height: The height of the generated images in pixels

width: The width of the generated images in pixels

alchemy: Whether to use alchemy feature. Alchemy brings incredibly high-fidelity image generation.

prompt_magic: Whether to use prompt magic. Brings higher coherence with your prompt.

prompt_magic_strength: The strength of the prompt magic. A value between 0.1 and 1

high_resolution: Enable to use the High Contrast feature of Prompt Magic.

photo_real: Enable the photo real feature. Requires enabling alchemy.

photo_real_strength: Depth of field of photoReal. Must be 0.55 for low, 0.5 for medium, or 0.45 for high.

preset_style: The preset style to use. This is an advanced setting that you should not change unless you know what you are doing.

scheduler: The scheduler to use. This is an advanced setting that you should not change unless you know what you are doing.

uploaded_image_name: Use a previously uploaded image as input for your generation (/upload_image)

input_image: Upload an image to use as input for your generation


Lets you upload an image which then can later be used in other commands.

Available Arguments

image (required): The image to upload

name: If you set a name, you can use the image in the future by referencing the name in the generate_image_advanced command. If no name is set, you will have to use an auto-generated ID to reference the image.



View a catalog of your uploaded images, ready for use or remixing.


Combine creativity and technology by remixing an existing or uploaded image for something truly unique.

Available Arguments

prompt (required): The prompt to generate the image from

image: Upload an image to use as input for your generation

uploaded_image: Use a previously uploaded image as input for your generation /upload_image. You can use /my_uploaded_images to see your uploaded images.

style: The style of the generated image

height: The height of the generated images in pixels

width: The width of the generated images in pixels

photo_real: Whether to use a photo real model

number_of_images: The number of images to generate


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